Change Your Mindset, Change Your Success – Part Two

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As we continue to prepare for 2024, we remind you that one thing is certain: success happens when we focus on things we can control. And what is the one thing all of us have control over? Our mindset. 

Whether you’re a brand new luxury real estate professional or you’re a seasoned pro, there are important perspectives to consider (or reconsider) before the start of the new year. To conclude our two-part blog series, we finish our deep dive into re-setting your mindset.  


While knowing foundational terms inside and out will still serve you well in the luxury space, it should come as no surprise that in this market of sprawling estates, endless amenities, and big personalities it has its own special language. 

In fact, real estate professionals who are well-versed in “luxury real estate terminology” set themselves apart from their competitors. Why? Because besides body language, the words we speak are one of the first ways we connect with someone. The way you speak gives your clients a glimpse at the way you think. So, when you speak how they speak, they assume that, on some level, you also think how they think, which puts them more at ease. 

For instance, did you know “wealthy” clients prefer to be called “very successful?” Or that “Primary Bedroom” is a more inclusive way to describe the largest bedroom in a home? Another term that just cropped up in the luxury space is “Second Primary Residence,” stemming from clients’ desire to experience a change of scenery while still adhering to quarantine requirements. 

The terminology changes as values change, and while these shifts may seem miniscule, adopting luxury real estate terminology makes you appear more professional. It may even end up being the reason a client chooses to work with you over an equally-qualified competitor. 


Whether or not you work as an independent broker, success in luxury real estate hinges on building your own personal brand and positioning yourself as the local expert. To do that, you need to develop a personal brand that is: 

  • Easily recognizable 
  • Consistently valuable 
  • Professionally approachable 

First and foremost, it means you need to show up every single day – not just in person, but also on your social platforms. If you’re a Member, make sure to leverage your profile in our Member Directory so successful clients can easily find you in our database. 

Next, it means when you show up, you’re coming equipped with hyper-local market information that answers your target client’s questions before they even ask them. Our monthly Luxury Market Report gives you everything you need to know about your local market from a luxury perspective to achieve this.  

So, keep in mind, while other brand-building essentials like brand colors and your overall aesthetic on your website are important, your personal brand’s main distinguishing feature should be your level of laser-focused expertise. 


Finally, cultivating a luxury real estate mindset requires you to commit to investing in yourself. This is why training, personal development, and even taking care of your well-being and health are such important investments. Every successful business has operating costs and in luxury real estate, the reward for investing in yourself can be both financial and personal. 

If you’re ready to commit  to your success, here are a few ways we can help you do it: 

  • Not yet an Institute Member? Take our Luxury Training to earn Membership with The Institute for Luxury Home Marketing! 
  • Are you a previous Institute Member who wants to re-join? Renew today to enjoy the many benefits of Membership! 
  • Active Members can log in to their Member Portal to access all Member tools and benefits, as well as The Institute Network!  

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