A woman using her phone and laptop to build her network online

Building Your Network as a New Luxury Real Estate Agent? Here Are 3 Ways to Make Your Agent Bio Stand Out

the InstituteAll, Luxury Home Marketing Tips 2 Comments

The real estate professional bio is one of the most underestimated marketing tools in any real estate marketing strategy.

But when you’re brand new and just starting to build your network, what exactly should your professional bio say?

You’ve probably spent plenty of time admiring top producers’ websites in your area (and if you haven’t, you should) and noticed they include scores of testimonials, awards, and likely mention their many years of experience.

This is all for a good reason: your bio is where you can immediately build trust with prospects when you’re establishing your network, and even allows you to address their objectives. 

Objectives like…

  • “I want to work with someone I can trust…”

  • “I want to work with the most knowledgeable agent in this area…”

  • “I want to work with someone who’s well-connected…”

In fact, data from the National Association of REALTORS shows that when asked about the most important trait they look for in an agent, prospective home sellers chose “professional reputation” most often, which is why experienced agents know to highlight their accolades and decades of experience.

So again, how do you compete with that when you have yet to win awards or even close on your first handful of upper tier homes?

Or rather, how can you still make your professional bio work for you when prospects visit your website or profiles?

Here are 3 ways to make your real estate professional bio stand out, even when you’re building your network from scratch.

1. Showcase Your 5 P’s

If you’ve taken our Luxury Livestream training, you’re probably already familiar with the 5 Ps. The 5 Ps are the foundation of your brand, and stand for Purpose, Position, Promise, Personality, and Performance.

Each of these provides clarity on who you serve, the vision you have for your business and clients, how you position yourself in the market, your core values, and your relevant performance. 

If you want to brush up on personal branding, refer to your Luxury Livestream Participant Guide or feel free to retake the training in your member portal so you can take a look at our new Luxury Marketing Blueprint.

2. Tell A Story

Communicating each of the 5 Ps in your agent bio is important to let prospects know who you are, but the key is to show them, not just tell them.

For instance, instead of simply saying one of your core values is commitment, how can you tell your story in a way that incorporates it and relates it back to real estate even if it didn’t happen within the real estate sphere?

Maybe you can mention involvement with community organizations or charities, or maybe the story of how you decided to get into real estate showcases your integrity and drive.

Get specific, and don’t be afraid to get a little bit personal.

Even though clients are looking for someone professional, they still want to work with someone who is approachable and human.

As a brand new real estate professional building your network, this is an angle you may want to play up a bit more.

That means leading with your Purpose, Passion, and Personality may be more impactful to you now than your Position and Performance currently are.

3. Focus On Your Ideal Client

There’s a saying that if you try to please everyone, you end up pleasing no one. When you’re first starting out, it’s tempting to want to appeal to anyone and everyone so you have more chances to earn a buyer or a listing.

The problem with that approach is when you speak to too many people, your message and your brand often come off as diluted. That means the best way to write your professional bio is with just one perfect client in mind. In marketing, this is called your “client avatar”.

Before you write your bio, take some time to get clear about who your client avatar is at the moment. When you’re further into building your network and naturally begin to work with different types of people from referrals, your perfect avatar might change, and that’s okay.

But for now, stick with the client avatar that made you excited about starting in luxury real estate in the first place, and envision talking directly to them when you write your bio.

Brand New to Luxury Real Estate?

The Institute of Luxury Home Marketing has a variety of resources for you to start making your way to the top of your market. 


  1. Is it better to write an BIO in first-person or third-person? Please answer to me and not post this anywhere.
    Thank you kindly.

    1. Author

      Hi Ursula,
      We will also respond directly as per your request. In terms of first-person or third-person for a bio, there is no absolute rule. However, as we are in a business about building relationships then we would recommend considering what is the best way to connect with your potential clients and current database, ie. what would have the most connective impact – being more or less formal.
      The Institute

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