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Become a Social Media Celebrity In Your Community

the InstituteAll, Become a Luxury Professional 2 Comments

Take up the 30-day video challenge – every day for the next 30 days, do a live stream a day on Facebook that provides great value to those who would view it. Remember, we want to show you off as their wise advisor. 

We know some of you may be camera shy, so just relax and be you, the more natural and organic the video is the more viewers like it.  

Step 1

Deliver great content – think about the questions you are being asked every day, talk about data, mortgage rates, or interview some type of interesting expert.

Step 2

Have a call to action in every video and in the text portion of your posts. Tip sheets are a great thing to offer and you can get a cheap domain name on go daddy so that you can send viewers to a simple landing page. On this landing page, they can give their information to get the tip sheet or they can leave.

Step 3

Use your live streams as video ads. Your videos can be any length, but if it’s at least 3-15 minutes, Facebook will give you more exposure when you run the ad.

By the end of 30 days you will feel so comfortable and the response will be so positive you will be hooked.

While you may get some immediate hot leads, the real return is in the nurture and the long-term follow-up.

Here are some tip sheet topic samples and formula:

Example: 7 Things To Know About Buying A Home In Spring Of 2020 

Formula: ___ Things To Know About ____ A Home In ____ Of _____

Example: 5 Biggest Mistakes People Make When Buying A Home… And How To Avoid Them!

Formula: ___ Biggest Mistakes People Make When _____ A _____… And How To Avoid Them!

If you want more guidance on how to grow your luxury real estate practice, you can learn more about the Institute’s training options here


  1. I sometimes go blank on what to say on a video. I know our MLS can provide some materials to share. Other times, I’m a little concerned about pulling info from other sources and then sharing.
    That’s about it for the moment
    Thank you

    1. Author

      Hi Janace
      As a member of The Institute you have access to many products and services that are well researched and approved, these could offer you great information to share with your clients. Our monthly Luxury Market Report is one such product that can be shared and includes the opportunity to include a video in the customized version. For more information do check out your membership portal.
      The Institute

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