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Inventory levels are climbing in most luxury markets as we move firmly into the spring season. Statistically, this has resulted in a shift towards a balanced market.  

Traditionally, spring has typically been associated with a surge in real estate activity and inventory tends to increase for several reasons. Warmer weather and longer daylight hours facilitate the opportunity for buyers to visit potential properties. Psychologically, people are more optimistic and motivated in the spring, and families with children prefer to move during the summer months, so they list their properties in the spring to minimize disruption. 

However, this year, the shift toward a balanced market is significant because it shows the return of more optimism by sellers as well as greater opportunities for buyers. This is important for a market that has, since 2021, been hindered by a lack of inventory.To leverage the opportunities of a balanced market, it is important to understand the advantages and disadvantages: 


Stable Prices  

In a balanced market, prices tend to remain relatively stable, with neither sellers nor buyers having a significant advantage. There is also less likelihood of dramatic price fluctuations. 

Fairer Negotiations 

Both buyers and sellers have equal bargaining power, which tends to lead to fairer negotiations. Sellers tend not to overprice their property, and buyers are less likely to make lowball offers. 

Flexibility for Buyers and Sellers 

There is more flexibility in a balanced market due to a greater selection of properties and more realistic levels of interest.  

Healthy Investment Environment 

A balanced market reflects a sustainable level of supply and demand, which can provide you with the opportunity to attract long-term investors looking for stable returns. 

Reduces Speculation 

Speculative activities are typically lower in a balanced market compared to a seller’s or buyer’s market.  


Longer Time on Market 

Properties may take longer to sell in a balanced market compared to a seller’s market. Sellers may need to adjust their expectations accordingly. 

Potential for Price Stagnation 

While stable prices are generally a positive aspect of a balanced market, for investors looking for a return, this may be seen as a potential problem if prices stagnate for too long. 

Limited Negotiation Leverage 

While there may be less negotiating power in a balanced market compared to a buyer’s or seller’s market, challenging clients may still expect to see large concessions and/or price adjustments. 

Economic Sensitivity 

Balanced markets can be more sensitive to changes in economic conditions. Economic downturns or shifts in interest rates can impact both supply and demand, potentially leading to swift changes. 

Limited Market Opportunities 

A balanced market may lack the excitement and competitiveness seen in a seller’s or buyer’s market, which can deter some who thrive in these types of scenarios. 


Overall, a balanced real estate market still offers great opportunities for both buyers and sellers. It also allows them to make informed decisions and achieve their goals with less pressure and more flexibility. 

For Buyers 

  • Reasonable Pricing: more stable prices allow buyers the opportunity to purchase a home at a fair price without the pressure of a bidding war. 
  • More Choices: buyers have a wider selection of properties to choose from, allowing them to find a home that meets their needs and preferences without feeling rushed into a decision. 
  • Negotiation Power: compared to a seller’s market, buyers in a balanced market have more negotiation power and often find sellers more willing to make concessions. 
  • Less Competition: a balanced market generally sees less competition. This can reduce the pressure on buyers and give them more time to carefully consider their options. 

For Sellers 

  • Fair Market Value: with fewer extremes in pricing, sellers can sell their homes at a fair market value without having to underprice or overprice their properties. 
  • Reasonable Selling Time: equally, if homes are priced correctly, they should sell within a reasonable timeframe, without the need to offer incentives or be inundated with multiple offers.  
  • Flexibility: traditionally, sellers still have the flexibility to negotiate terms that suit their needs, as buyers are often more willing to accommodate these requests to secure a property. 
  • Stable Market Conditions: sellers can confidently list their homes knowing that there is a healthy level of demand from buyers, without the risk of price fluctuations seen in volatile markets. 

Stay ahead with The Institute 

If you want more guidance on how to grow your luxury real estate practice and develop your skills when working with the affluent, learn more about the Institute’s training options here.  

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