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Getting Real Estate Listings Now

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Getting real estate listings is the one thing that great agents can never have enough of. In the upper tier, this is especially important. Even though inventory in your market may be low, there is still room for you to get your fair share. However, you will need to be proactive and aggressive in your efforts to secure luxury listings.

Think of each listing as a goldmine, and not just for the commission you will earn when you sell it. When you have listings, buyers will find you. You also have the opportunity to market the listing in order to find other potential listings or sales. As we kick off 2021, this is the time to stuff as many great conversations into your pockets as you possibly can. This is the time to dig into your listing lead generation and to look for the hidden opportunities that other agents may not be aware of.

I encourage you to increase your listing lead generation by 10X, especially in this first quarter. You’ll want to be sure you have enough listing opportunities in your pipeline to successfully power yourself through the rest of the year.

Suggested Daily Action Plan for Getting Real Estate Listings:

  • Aim for 10 quality contacts each day within your sphere

  • Send 10 emails each day to help create future listing opportunities

  • Make it a point to send 10 text messages and 10 notes or cards each day

And, if you have any leftover time in the day, keep hunting!

When you do your lead generation, there is a 90-day cycle before the new leads really start to payoff. Even if you are busy now, you don’t want your pipeline to run dry before the spring or summer markets arrive.

Getting Real Estate Listings is All About Following Up

Speaking of leads, intensify your lead follow-up efforts. The average lead may take as many as 6-12 contacts before they convert, and you will need to look for legitimate reasons to spark urgency to help get them off the fence. I also encourage you to have at least 3-5 good sources of listing lead generation.

Of course, your past clients and sphere should be at the top of the list as a main point of focus. As you contact your past clients and sphere, offer an annual real estate check-up, share high-quality content and information, and ask them, “How has the pandemic impacted your future real estate plans?”

Also, because each listing is so valuable, it’s important to upgrade your listing presentation and work to perfect your scripts and skills so that you win every listing you want once you get to the table.



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