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3 Ways to Improve Your Luxury Real Estate Listing Copy

the InstituteAll, Luxury Home Marketing Tips, Luxury Home Selling Tips 6 Comments

What comes to mind when you think about luxury real estate marketing? Maybe it’s high-quality photography or opulent open houses? But what about great listing copy?

While it’s true upper-tier real estate lends itself to breathtaking visuals, you’re missing a key piece of the puzzle if your luxury real estate marketing strategy doesn’t include great copy. You might be thinking, “But can’t prospects see what they’re getting into from the photos?”

The answer is yes, they can — however, your listing photos can’t:

  • Paint a detailed picture of the community

  • Create a sense of urgency

  • Guide the reader through “future pacing” to make them imagine themselves in the home

And of course, they can’t always convey the unique history or craftsmanship of a home, which can be big draws for discerning clients.

So if you want to level up your luxury real estate marketing skills? Copywriting is a great place to start.

Even if you outsource the creation of your listing copy, it’s important to understand what great listing copy looks like so you know you’ve made the right investment.

Here are three ways to improve your listing copy as soon as today so your luxury real estate marketing looks and feels polished every time your listings go live:

1.) Ditch Passive Language and Fluff in Your Luxury Real Estate Marketing

As you know, every word counts in your luxury real estate listings. That means removing phrases like will be, is being, to be, is going to be, and other passive phrases that not only sound a bit clunky, but slow readers down. Additionally, use numbers and specifics when you can to cut out the fluff and make every word work to your advantage.

For example, instead of saying, “Future owners will be delighted to enjoy the large outdoor pool area with family and friends during summer months,” you could choose more active, descriptive language like, “Delight friends and family with the property’s glistening 20ft outdoor pool.”

2.) Use “Magnetic” Words in Your Copy

Luxury real estate marketing is unique because buyers tend to buy out of desire rather than need. You can stoke that desire by using “magnetic” words in your real estate listing copy that ignite emotion and invite the reader to read on.

For instance, instead of talking about being “close to nightlife,” you might choose to say the property “is just a glance away from the city’s vibrant culture, clubs, and shops” or that the area is “teeming with eclectic entertainment, from 5-star dining to iconic music venues rich with city history.”

To make it easier, you can add these words and phrases to your listing after you’ve written it. In other words, write out your listing so you don’t forget any of the details, but comb back through it looking for opportunities to liven up some of your words and phrases.

3.) Mind Your Headlines in Luxury Real Estate Marketing

Again, luxury real estate marketing is all about selling the lifestyle your prospects desire. If it’s clear in a split second that your listing provides the lifestyle your prospects are looking for, you’ve already won half the battle.

That’s why your listing headline is so important. It does most of the heavy lifting, which means it should:

  • Spark emotion

  • Get straight to the point

  • Capture the property’s most appealing characteristics at a glance

To achieve this, put yourself in your prospect’s shoes. What would the perfect buyer’s biggest desire be? Privacy? Uniqueness? Community? 

Whatever it is, your headline should capture it well enough to stop their scroll (if they’re scrolling through online listings) or make them want to save your mailer. Here are a few examples:

  • Resort Style Lifestyle On a Private Street

  • Rare Historic Oceanside Retreat

  • [City]’s Hidden Mid-Century Sanctuary

  • Artfully Crafted Modern Loft With Coveted City Views

  • Bold Brick Beauty In [City]’s Historic District

Titles like these speak directly to the right prospect’s desires without getting too lengthy or detailed. Instead, these hook the reader enough to invite them to learn more about the listing. 

Want Help Taking Your Luxury Real Estate Marketing to the Next Level?

The Institute is recognized as a leader in luxury real estate marketing training and certification. Our Luxury Marketing Blueprint breaks down seven key pillars of successful luxury real estate marketing and reflects both our self-paced online and livestream trainings.

To learn more about our training and certification, click here.


  1. You can calculate a real estate property’s value based on the worth of all its potential benefits in the future. Unlike most consumer goods where you need to consume them immediately, you’ll only see a property’s benefits over an extended period. Therefore, it would help if you consider the economic and social trends to estimate the property’s value. Additionally, the environmental conditions and governmental controls that can affect such a value must be factored in.

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