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How to Capture Luxury Real Estate Leads Organically

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Wouldn’t it be nice if warmed up leads fell right in your lap?

Although it sounds too good to be true, it’s possible when you have a great digital marketing strategy working behind the scenes. Acquiring luxury real estate leads “organically” through your website (which means without the help of paid advertising or purchased leads from your brokerage or elsewhere) is one of the best and most cost effective ways to attract qualified leads into your pipeline, and it’s a smart addition to your lead generation strategy if you’re already using paid advertising online or elsewhere.

This form of “ads-free” lead generation is also referred to as “inbound marketing” or “attraction marketing,” and although it takes a bit of work up front, a well-planned organic lead generation strategy can do wonders for your brand overall by keeping you top of mind with fresh, new content.

If you’re considering organic lead generation, here are a few tips:

Do Your Research on Keywords and Local Competitors First

The first step in any organic lead generation strategy is figuring out where you can fit into online search terms within your local market. Because the internet is saturated with millions of people trying to rank for the same keywords, it’s difficult to start out hoping to rank for general keywords such as “luxury real estate agent in [your city]” or “[your city] listing agent.”

And, because attracting leads organically to your website requires a very strategic approach to content creation, it often takes an expert to do the research for you to see which keywords in the luxury real estate niche are easier for you to rank for in your market.

This can cost some money up front, but having a clear plan can save you time and money down the line once you start creating content.

Leverage Other People’s Networks 

Part of showing search engines that your website is one that it should send visitors to is having links from other credible websites and platforms leading back to yours. This is called “backlinking,” and search engines love it.

One way to create links back to your website is to link back to it from social media posts, but another way to do it is by guest blogging on more established luxury real estate blogs (or in other related niches that easily tie back to luxury real estate, such as financial planning), accepting interviews on other people’s podcasts or social media outlets, or creating “round-up” posts where you interview other prominent local figures in your community (such as a well-known winery owner) and they share the article with their more established audience.

Use Rich Media in Your Content Strategy

Not everyone has the patience to write (or even read) a blog article. If you’re more comfortable on camera, you can easily create a “video blog” or “vlog” on your website or YouTube channel that ranks for your chosen local keywords.

The great part about video is that longer videos can be clipped down into “micro content” that you can use on your social media platforms (which also saves you time and typically fosters more engagement), and pages with video tend to encourage people to stay longer on the page — another metric that helps boost how “search-engine friendly” your website is.

If You’re an Institute Member, Leverage Your Institute Member Profile 

Good news for Institute Members: the Institute has already invested in a strategic organic lead generation strategy to help you attract leads without paid advertising.

The articles you’re reading now, plus the way we’ve set up the Institute website, are all strategically set up to generate organic leads for our Members.

With that in mind, be sure to keep your Member Profile up to date (you can access your profile from your Member dashboard). The Institute is known for its network of expert luxury real estate professionals, and prospective luxury real estate clients know to use our Member Profile feature to find the best professionals in the market.

Want up-to-date luxury real estate marketing strategies for yourself and your clients? 

The Institute’s in-person Luxury Live events are back and — for the first time ever — we’ve introduced a Member Happy Hour to give you even more time to network with other luxury real estate professionals (or aspiring luxury real estate professionals).

The curriculum for these exciting two-day events is based on our proven 7-Step Luxury Marketing Blueprint to help you break into luxury real estate or reach the next level in your luxury real estate career.

To learn more and see when Luxury Live is coming to your city, click here.


  1. I was a previous member and took k the course in 2019. Can I raid the course again? Is it full price

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