3 Ways to Leverage Real Estate Videos to Win Luxury Listings

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In today’s market, there’s no denying the power of real estate videos. In fact, studies have found that video listings receive more than 400% more inquiries than listings without video — and that 85% of buyers and sellers prefer working with a real estate professional who uses video content for marketing purposes.

If you’re looking to win more listings in the luxury real estate market, video can be an incredibly valuable tool. When used correctly, real estate videos can help you build your reputation, effectively position you within the upper tier of luxury real estate professionals, and help you win new clients prior to even having met them in person yet.

At the same time, using real estate videos to your advantage isn’t just about creating video listings. In fact, there are a few creative and effective ways to leverage video that you may not have considered.

1. Explain Valuable Market Data with Real Estate Videos

There’s never a shortage of market data in the luxury real estate market; this data is dynamic, so it’s constantly changing. You may have no problem understanding all those numbers, but your affluent clientele probably do not have the time or resources to stay on top of these market trends or even understand how current market data applies to them.

This is where you can really utilize real estate video to convert market data and figures into content that’s easy for your clientele to understand and digest. Many people are “visual” learners, so they may understand facts and figures best when the information is presented to them in a video format. As we discuss in our Estate of Mind episode, “Marketing Blueprint Series: Winning Luxury Real Estate Listings (Part 1) with Sherri Anne Green,” being able to convert facts and figures into compelling real estate video content is a great way to display your expertise and potentially win over some new clients in the process.

The Luxury Market Report is a great resource that you can use to pull data. Once you’ve compiled your data and created your real estate videos, be sure to share them across as many channels as possible — including Facebook, Instagram Stories, and YouTube — for maximum visibility.

2. Answer Common Questions in Real Estate Videos

Another creative approach to take with your real estate video content is that of using it to answer common questions from your clients, or educate your audience on current real estate topics. This kind of “Q&A” format lends itself well to capturing viewers’ attention while also offering valuable information that your audience can benefit from. For example, you might cover a quick video that answers the question, “What’s the difference between a row home and a townhome?”

If you want to take this idea a step further, you might even consider accepting topic ideas or questions from your audience so that you can create new real estate videos to answer each one. This can be a great way to generate some useful content that will be valuable to your viewers and possibly be shared around social media. This, in turn, increases your brand awareness and may even bring some new clients your way.

3. Share Real Estate Videos in Emails, Newsletters, and More

Last but not least, make sure that you’re sharing your real estate videos as widely as possible. The more viewers your content reaches, the more likely you’ll be to win new clients and listings. For example, don’t hesitate to share or embed relevant videos directly in a follow-up email with a client. Email newsletters present another great opportunity to share real estate video content with an audience that is most likely going to benefit from the information.

Furthermore, you can promote sharing of your real estate videos by others by adding social media “share” buttons whenever possible. If you can get your video content to go viral for the right reasons, you’ll quickly build your reputation as a luxury real estate professional and likely win over some new clients in the process.

Not a Real Estate Video Expert?

Even if you’re not experienced when it comes to creating or editing video, you can still use it to your advantage. You may just need a little help turning your ideas into high-quality videos. The good news is that you can always outsource your editing and social media promotion using any number of external sources. As long as you have the ideas for great content, the technical aspects of creating it can be worked out.

Make the Most of Your Real Estate Video Content Today

Leveraging video content is one of the best ways emerging luxury real estate professionals can level up in this competitive market. By following these best practices, you can start using real estate videos to win new listings in no time. For more information on finding success in the luxury market, reach out to The Institute for Luxury Home Marketing today.


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