5 Luxury Real Estate Blog Posts to Create for Your Agent Website

the InstituteAll, Luxury Home Marketing Strategy, Luxury Home Marketing Tips 3 Comments

Just a decade ago, most luxury real estate prospecting happened by word of mouth. These days, digital marketing is now a widely accepted form of lead generation for luxury real estate professionals.

The great news is, there isn’t just one way to market yourself as a luxury real estate professional online. You can use methods like social media marketing, paid advertising, video marketing, podcasting, and blogging. In fact, many luxury real estate professionals opt to use at least a few of these approaches in their luxury real estate marketing strategy.

However, blogging in particular is one of the easiest and most effective methods for getting found online. That’s because a luxury real estate blog can provide a variety of benefits, such as:

  • Help you get found in local Google searches;

  • Support your social media and paid advertising efforts;

  • And help people get to know you and your expertise before they ever reach out for a more formal meeting or phone call.

With that in mind, you may be wondering what exactly you should blog about on your luxury real estate blog and how to keep posting fresh content.

Here are five types of blog posts you can consider using on your luxury real estate blog to get started, or even just to freshen things up:

Luxury Real Estate Blog Post Idea #1: The Round-Up Post

The “Round-Up Post” is a great way to create new content if you don’t love to write or if you find yourself strapped for time. It’s also a good way to connect with your community and leverage local businesses’ established audiences.

To create a round-up post, think of a way to highlight some features of your community. It could be “The Best Cafes With Outdoor Seating” or “Dog-Friendly Restaurants.”

To get the content you need, reach out to the owners or managers at these businesses, and tell them you’d love to get a quote from them to feature their business in a blog post that you’ll share with your audience. Ask for just a few sentences on why they like being part of the community, what makes them different, and what they offer. Then, do the same with a few other similar businesses.

By taking this approach, your blog post practically writes itself!

As an added bonus, let them know when you post the article on your social media or when it goes live on your website. This way, they can share with their audience also — which means even more eyes on your website and services.

Luxury Real Estate Blog Post Idea #2: The FAQ Series

Another easy way to get luxury real estate blog content ideas is to think about the types of questions you get out in the field and answer each one in its own blog post.

Consider writing about things like:

  • How to get financing for unique financial situations

  • What you’d least expect about buying a second home or investment property

  • The right way to relocate internationally

Or any other questions that frequently come up in your client meetings.

Luxury Real Estate Blog Post Idea #3: Compare Your City to a Similar City

Luxury real estate clients often make moves for work (or for fun) without spending much time in one particular area. Another helpful blog post for these jetsetting clients is creating a “Comparison Post” where you compare your city to one that’s similar.

For example, if you’re a luxury real estate professional in Chicago, you may want to write a post comparing Chicago luxury real estate market to New York’s luxury real estate market. It can even be as simple as comparing the nightlife, food options, or entertainment.

Luxury Real Estate Blog Post Idea #4: Review Smart Home Amenities

One of the biggest selling points in luxury real estate these days is the availability of smart homes and smart home amenities. At the same time, many of these amenities are still fairly new, and clients will appreciate your input on finding the best ones for their new home or home upgrade.

Dedicating a list-style post to reviewing a few smart amenities, or focusing on one type of smart home amenities (like smart home security) will surely grab some interest.

Luxury Real Estate Blog Post Idea #5: Offering a Luxury Market Report Summary

If you’ve been following along with our Luxury Insights Blog for a while, you already know the Institute offers a done-for-you Luxury Market Report for North America and Canada each month. 

You might have also noticed that every month, the Institute also delivers a blog post summary of the report to share with our readers.

You can do this, too. Plus, you can even use our done-for-you Luxury Market Report to get you started.

The benefit of sharing a Luxury Market Report summary, besides the fact that most of the work is already done for you, is it positions you as an expert in your market. If your sphere of influence can rely on you every month to provide an accurate, informative report on their market, they’re likely to keep you in mind once they’re ready to make a move.

Want More Luxury Real Estate Marketing Guidance?

Becoming a Member of the Institute and earning your Certified Luxury Home Marketing™ designation gives you access to some of the top producers in the industry and done-for-you marketing tools that give you a tremendous advantage.

The Institute also offers a wide range of resources for you to invest in yourself at any stage in your luxury real estate career — even if it hasn’t begun yet.


  1. Thanks for having this article, it helps a lot. It’s a well-written blog and it is very informative. Keep on blogging, looking forward to see more of your posts!

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